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USA Touch is the governing body for the Federation of International Touch in the United States. In short, it’s only through membership with the Federation of International Touch and in turn USA Touch, that one can officially play the game in their format. USA Touch pays an annual membership to the Federation of International Touch to maintain that membership. USA Touch membership will allow all members of your club official USA Touch affiliation status.


All USA Touch clubs and players must be registered through the Sports Engine portal:







  1. Membership under the FIT umbrella

    • access to all FIT events worldwide

    • access to all USA Touch events

  2. Insurance coverage

    • see USA Touch Certificates of Iinsurance page for details

  3. Access to coaching certification

    • USA Touch has built and will continue to build further coaching certification with FIT to standardize our coaching resources, we will only offer these certifications to members

    • these certifications will cross to all FIT NTA’s (National Touch Associations), so if you move outside of the United States to another FIT member, these certifications will cross over

  4. Coaching resources for affiliated club(s) to help develop

    • USA Touch will provide coaching resources for affiliated clubs to help in the development of their players, referees and coaches

      • coaching skills and knowledge

      • player development and skills

      • affiliated club assistance

    • associated costs would need to be covered by the affiliated club(s) as determined by USA Touch below:

      • $1200 for the course – type 1 where a coach presenter is needed to travel to the membership area. The local club will provide the meeting space along with the ability to present the information

      • $50 per participant – type 2 where a coach presenter is available in your area, the course will be delivered per individual and the local club will need to provide the meeting space along with the ability to present the information

  5. Referee resources for affiliated clubs for referee certification

    • USA Touch has a certification process that will move you through the referee pathway levels

    • only through this certification can you attend an FIT event as a referee

    • certification courses will be organized through the local membership and will be offered in 2 different cost structures

      • $1200 for the course – type 1 where a referee presenter is needed to travel to the membership area. The local club will provide the meeting space along with the ability to present the information

      • $50 per participant – type 2 where a referee presenter is available in your area, the course will be delivered per individual and the local club will need to provide the meeting space along with the ability to present the information

      • each USA Touch referee certification participant will be provided with a ACME Thunderer whistle upon completion of the course

  6. Tournament access

    • all certified USA Touch tournaments must have all players affiliated with USA Touch for insurance purposes

    • USA Touch Nationals will require all teams to be USA Touch members

    • access to all FIT events throughout the world; FIT will not allow non-affiliated players to attend FIT sanctioned events

  7. USA Touch Eagle representation

    • USA Touch will only select players from the pool we select from sanctioned events, to represent the USA at world events

  8. Listing and acknowledgement on the USA Touch website

    • all affiliated clubs will be linked and listed on the USA Touch website including the clubs contact details so any potential new players, coaches or referees can be directed to the affiliated club in their region


The above list of membership benefits will provide the framework to assist in growing the game here in the United States. USA Touch is committed to developing the list of benefits it can offer our members as it grows, but does rely on the annual support of our members.

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